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  • 12 Oct 2024 7:37 AM | Eugene Morozov (Administrator)

    Report from the International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE) Conference 2024 by Asha Palihakkara, a PhD Student at the University of Nottingham, is now available on International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 2024, Montreal, Canada.

    Conference reports from the earlier recipients of the ISKO UK Student Grant are available on Conference reports.

  • 10 Oct 2024 11:24 PM | Eugene Morozov (Administrator)

    Videos from ISKO UK Meetup on the 8th of October 2024 - What's New in Skosmos 3 with Osma Suominen from The National Library of Finland - are now available on ISKO UK YouTube Channel. You can also find the slides on the event page.

  • 26 Sep 2024 4:35 PM | Hye Lim Nam (Administrator)

    Select papers from the seventh ISKO UK conference (2023) held in Glasgow have been published in a recent issue of the Knowledge Organization journal. They can be accessed here.

    Please note that ISKO UK members can access Knowledge Organization journal articles for free. Should you encounter any issues, please contact Nomos quoting your ISKO UK number which features on your profile page once you log into the ISKO UK website.

  • 10 Sep 2024 11:02 AM | Hye Lim Nam (Administrator)

    Nominations are open for this year's Tony Kent Strix Award, an international award in the field of information retrieval. The award is open to individuals or groups from anywhere in the world, and nominations must reach UKeiG by 6 pm GMT on Friday 27th September 2024.


    About the Tony Kent Strix Award

    The Tony Kent Strix Award was inaugurated in 1998 by the Institute of Information Scientists. It is presented by UKeiG in partnership with the International Society for Knowledge Organization UK (ISKO UK), the Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group (RSC CICAG) and the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BCS IRSG) and awarded in recognition of an outstanding practical innovation or achievement in the field of information retrieval and search. Nominations must be for a major, sustained or influential achievement that meets one or more of the criteria listed below.


    The advancement of our understanding of information retrieval methods, experimentation and evaluation, at either the theoretical or the practical level. The scope includes approaches as diverse as linguistic, probabilistic, fact-checking or artificial intelligence applied to search.

    Service Delivery

    The development and management of systems, networks or services:

    • Enhancement of the mechanisms/technology/standards underpinning information products or services
    • Establishing an innovative information resource or service
    • Innovations leading to improved accessibility/usability of information resources.

    Education and organisational infrastructure

    The provision of leadership in education, training, community development and/or collaboration to advance information retrieval at local, national or international level.


    Submission guidelines

    In all cases nominations should take the form of a succinct justification (maximum 2 pages) for the individual or team nomination showing clearly which of the award criteria the nominee meets and how they are met. Please include full contact details, job title and qualifications of both the nominee and the nominator emailed to Richard Bridgen – Hon. Secretary UKeiG and copied to: Gary Horrocks - and Elizabeth Roberts – Hon. Treasurer UKeiG

    Please clarify in the email subject heading - ‘UKeiG 2024 award nomination’ - followed by the award name.

    Self-nominations will not be accepted.

    If you want your nomination to be considered in two or all three of the specified award areas, please clarify that in your justification.

    Please include testimonials, letters of support, references, a selective bibliography relevant to the nomination, or links to supplementary information including professional profiles or social media, for example. 

    Please email for more information and guidance.



    Nominations  must reach the UKeiG by 6 pm GMT on Friday 27th September 2024.

  • 5 Sep 2024 9:31 AM | Eugene Morozov (Administrator)

    Videos from ISKO UK Meetup on the 3rd of September - Documents, Databases, Knowledge Graphs, LLMs and Their Common Roots in Natural Language with John O'Gorman from Semantium - are now available on ISKO UK YouTube Channel and the event page.

  • 29 Aug 2024 4:08 PM | Hye Lim Nam (Administrator)

    ISKO UK is partnering with the British Computer Society (BCS) Information Retrieval Specialist Group for Search Solutions 2024. Search Solutions is the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group's annual event focused on practitioner issues in the arena of search and information retrieval. Contributions from ISKO UK this year include a talk on Data catalogue search and Browse use cases in data governance.

    ISKO members will receive a discounted registration rate. Registration can be completed here.

    For additional information, please see:

  • 18 Jun 2024 9:42 AM | Hye Lim Nam (Administrator)

    Information Revolution is a podcast hosted by ISKO UK member Judi Vernau (Metataxis UK and NZ), along with colleagues Karl Melrose (Leadership Through Data) and Michael Upton (Metataxis NZ). The podcast is an informal discussion between Judi, Karl, and Michael (and occasional guests) about current topics in information management practice such as information asset registers and domain modelling.

    Listen to insights from industry insiders via your podcast app or find them on YouTube!

  • 7 Jun 2024 9:05 AM | Hye Lim Nam (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce that ISKO UK, as part of its grants programme, has awarded a conference grant to Asha Dulanjalie Palihakkara to present a paper at the upcoming conference of the International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE) in Montreal, Canada. Asha is a second-year PhD student at the University of Nottingham and will be presenting a paper titled “Semantic web for BIM-based automated project management and control: a review”. Asha's research focuses on the application of semantic web technologies and ontologies for construction progress monitoring, an area in civil engineering that intersects with knowledge organisation. 

  • 7 Jun 2024 8:55 AM | Hye Lim Nam (Administrator)

    For some years, ISKO UK has been a partner in the organisation of the Tony Kent Strix Award for Information Retrieval along with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group and the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BCS IRSG). The award is now presented by the UK electronic information Group (UKeiG) 

    We are now looking for a member of ISKO UK to sit on the judging panel for the award  (see list of past winners). It is a very rewarding position to be in as it is gives the opportunity to review high quality applications from all over the world. Apart from being an ISKO UK member, the main requisite is to be interested and knowledgeable in the field of Information Retrieval. The incoming representative will be briefed by Stella Dextre Clarke who has held the position for many years and is now stepping down. Anyone one interested should contact the ISKO UK Chair at in the first instance.

  • 29 Feb 2024 8:27 PM | Eugene Morozov (Administrator)
    We are happy to announce that Osma Suominen from the National Library of Finland will join us at the ISKO UK Meetup on the 8th of October 2024 to discuss what's new in Skosmos, an open-source, web-based SKOS browser and publishing tool designed to access controlled vocabularies for indexing, information retrieval and vocabulary development. Join our group to be notified when registration opens.
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