ISKO is an international body with chapters in many different countries and regions. You normally join ISKO through one of these chapters, in our case ISKO UK. ISKO UK fees are paid per calendar year, after allowing for bank transaction charges and variations in the exchange rate, they are based on the international ISKO fees. International activities, to which all UK members are fully entitled, are described at

Benefits of membership include:

  • free online access to the Knowledge Organization journal, including its complete back-file from 1974;
  • free online access to the proceedings of all past ISKO conferences, in a series known as Advances in Knowledge Organization;
  • attendance to ISKO UK events at reduced rates, often free;
  • 20% discounts on ISKO publications and all other library and information science titles  published by Ergon Verlag;
  • discounts on participation in conferences of ISKO and some of its regional Chapters;
  • participation in the activities of the UK Chapter through which you join;
  • for corporate members, an unlimited number of staff can attend ISKO UK events and conferences at member's rates

For 2024, membership fees are as follow:

  • Corporate: £150
  • Corporate in developing countries: £65
  • Individual in developing countries: £25
  • Individual regular: £65
  • Individual retired: £35
  • Individual student: £25

Payment "per calendar year" means that if you join or renew at any time from January to September (inclusive) your subscription covers you until December of the same year. If you join in the period October - December, however, as a special concession we will accept payment of one annual fee to cover your membership right through to December of the following year.

Thank you for your support.

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