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  • ISKO UK Meetup - Why graphs? The limits of hierarchical thinking by Bob Kasenchak

ISKO UK Meetup - Why graphs? The limits of hierarchical thinking by Bob Kasenchak

  • 14 Jun 2022
  • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Zoom

Why would a taxonomist interrogate the limitations of hierarchical thinking and information organization? Graphs offer more specific and flexible structures to model relationships between objects. This basic change of frame reflects more accurately the way humans understand information, provides flexible and extensible modelling options, and usurps existing (tree-based, or arboreal) power and information structures in favour of a decentralized, democratized information environment with no beginning and no end.

Bob is a taxonomist and ontologist at Factor, an information architecture consultancy, interested in knowledge graphs and Linked Data.

Details on meetup.com

Sides: 2022-06-14-slides-MEETUP-BKasenchak.pdf

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