2nd ISKO UK Biennial Conference
Facets of Knowledge Organization - A tribute to Professor Brian Vickery, 1918–2009
University College London, 4-5 July 2011


Programme of 2nd ISKO UK Biennial Conference - Facets of Knowledge Organization - A tribute to Professor Brian Vickery, 1918–2009(PDF)

The second biennial conference of the UK Chapter of ISKO  (International Society for Knowledge Organization) honours the life and achievements of Brian C Vickery, one of the great pioneers in our field. From his 1948 essay on Bradford’s law of scattering to a 2008 posting on his website On knowledge organisation, Vickery provided us with a tremendous legacy of insights, still relevant today. According to Vickery, ‘Our tasks are to make knowledge (whether organised or unorganised) available to those who seek it, to store it in an accessible way, and to provide tools and procedures that make it easier for people to find what they seek in those stores.’ During Facets of Knowledge Organization we shall discuss the latest progress with all these tasks. 

Session 1 -  Inspired by Brian C Vickery

Keynote address by Stephen E Robertson paper, slides, audio

Vickery’s late ideas on classification by phenomena and activities

Claudio Gnoli paper, slides, audio

Session 2: Exploring relationships

Revisiting Farradane’s relational indexing in a consumer health context

Grant Campbell paper, slides

Tagging behaviour with support from controlled vocabulary

Marianne Lykke, Anne Lyne Høj, Line Nørgaard Madsen, Kora Golub, Doug Tudhope

Session 3A: The big schemes - LCSH and DDC

Computer-assisted abridgment of a classification scheme

Rebecca Green, Joan S Mitchell paper, slides, audio

The wisdom of the cataloguers: LCSH, indexer inconsistencies and collective intelligence

Gary Steele paper, slidesaudio

What, if anything, is a subdivision?

Simon Spero slidesaudio

Session 3B: Perspectives on resource discovery

Seemingly gliding: the power of metadata in academic resource discovery systems

Lucy Bell, Anat Vernitski  slides, audio

Traditions of facet theory, or a garden of forking paths?

Kathryn La Barre  paperaudio, slides

Modelling knowledge organization systems and structures – a discussion in the context of conceptual data models

Maja Žumer, Marcia Lei Zeng  paper, slides, audio

Session 4: NKOS special session, co-organized by the NKOS European network: What role can KOS play in information retrieval applications?

Knowledge organization systems and their consequences for information retrieval

Vivien Petras slidesaudio

How doctors apply semantic components to specify search in work-related information retrieval?

Marianne Lykke, Susan Price, Lois Delcambre paper, slides, audio

"And the winner is…" The perils and pitfalls of rank order analysis

Elin K Jacob, Nicolas L George, Gary Arave

Session 5: Organizing information: behaviour and development

Keynote address by Amanda Spink: Information organizing: an evolutionary and development framework slides, audio

Classification and visualization of knowledge; light from a forgotten past  

Elizabeth Orna paper, audio

Knowledge organization systems as enablers to the conduct of science 

Patrick Lambe paper, slides, audio

Session 6: The legacy of Brian C Vickery

Brian Vickery and the foundations of information science

Lyn Robinson, David Bawden slidesaudio 

Comparative modeling of Vickery’s faceted classification and the œvre of S R Ranganathan

Joseph T Tennis paperaudio  

Brian Vickery and the Classification Research Group: the legacy of faceted classification

Vanda Broughton paperslidesaudio  

Session 7A — Making it work in practice

Enhancing the BBC’s news and sports coverage with an ontology-driven information architecture 

James Howard, Silver Oliver slidesaudio 

Babel revisited: a taxonomy for ordinary images in a bilingual retrieval context 

Elaine Ménard, Margaret Smithglass slidesaudio 

Building bridges: mapping diverse classifications for a seamless user navigation experience 

Fran Alexander slidesaudio 

Session 7B — Facets and folksonomies 

Faceted navigation of social tagging applications 

Louise F Spiteri slidesaudio 

ISO 25964: a standard in support of KOS interoperability

Stella Dextre Clarke paper, slides, audio

Modeling a folksonomy with the postulational approach to facet analysis 

Elise Conradi slidesaudio 

Session 8: Special Subjects - music and mathematics

Faceted music: towards a model of music classification

Deborah Lee paper, slides, audio 

Music indexing and retrieval: evaluating the social production of music metadata and its use

Jean Debaeker, Widad Mustafa El Hadi  paper, slides, audio

Some facets of knowledge management in mathematics

Patrick Ion, Wolfram Sperber slidesaudio


The use of an indexing language in the catalogues of university libraries: a method for its evaluation by users  based on a socio-cognitive approach

Vera Regina Casari Boccato,  Mariângela Spotti Lopes Fujita paper

Integration of SKOS and SRU in a distributed collaboration environment for archival material description

Ricardo Eito-Brun paper

Intersectional perspectives on collaborative tagging

Kristin Johannesson 

A user-centred approach towards a semantic multimediainformation system

Hanene Maghrebi

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